Seven reasons to stop reading a novel

Randall Payleitner reads more than I do, and the books he recommends are always worth reading. Here are his thoughts on what’s not worth reading.

(1) It has sustained periods of boringness. Plenty of good books have slow spots, but if you’re fighting sleep or reading pages at a time without retention — maybe it’s time to move on!

(2) It’s offensive. If you don’t want unhealthy moral or spiritual content filling your brain space, don’t let it.

(3) The argument or storyline is weak. Whether the author lacks perspective or rigor, it’s not your problem. If it’s poorly put together, find a better argument elsewhere.

(4) It’s not living up to its billing. When you discover a book isn’t what you signed up for, feel free to let it go.

(5) It’s too long (without good reason). Some of the best books ever written are really long — but they have to earn every word!

(6) It’s irresponsible. There are typos. Half the text is bold or ALL CAPS. The design is confusing. It’s an obvious money grab. When the creators of a project don’t take it seriously, why should you?

(7) You keep thinking of things you’d rather be doing. Unless you’re studying for something, reading is voluntary. If your “gut-feeling” says, I wish I were done with this, grant your own wish.